Tuesday 28 May 2013

I heard a little voice and a teddy bear spoke to me!

There I did it again. I usually blog on a Monday but yesterday was as if I did not catch sides and when I opened my eyes it was Tuesday. If you have not lately been visiting my online store at http://www.bestforreading.com, do yourself a favour. I am busy updating my site with the latest hot new releases as well as the best sellers for 2013! Remember; http://www.bestforreading.com is the on line shop to be. I have wonderful hot new releases in children's books as well. One of the books I am selling in my online store http//www.bestforreading.com is a kindle edition; "Whatever after #3: Sink or swim" by Sarah Mlynoski foe only $10.09. You get about $4 discount on my site!

The other day I suddenly remembered the time when I moved into my house and when a teddy bear started speaking to me. Yes, this is the truth and I could not care if people believe me or not. I have moved into my house a few years ago. Next to my house is a very funny set-up with the roads. In the middle is an island with vegetation. One of the bushes is a conifer spruce of some kind.

A while after I have moved in, I decided to see what is growing in this garden. As I walked pass the corner of the island I saw a teddy bear lying under the spruce. This teddy bear was dirty and full of slime. The slime obviously was from snails and slugs.    

I have walked pass this poor teddy bear a few times and every time my eye caught the sight of this teddy bear lying underneath the bush. I totally ignored it just for the simple reason that it really was dirty and full of slime. However, one day, as I was walking pass the teddy bear again, I heard a little voice saying: "Please save me". I really felt like an idiot and thought no, it is impossible. A toy cannot speak. I heard this little voice again. The strange thing is that it was not a voice per say. More like a voice speaking in my head. I decided to listen to this voice and rescued the teddy bear.

Under this conifer is the exact spot where I have found this teddy bear. I picked this dirty, slimy teddy bear up between two fingers and carried it to a council bin in my yard which is standing next to my house and placed the dirty teddy bear in the bin. 

The teddy bear has been lying in this bin for a few months and I did not take much notice of it. Then, lo and behold. I was working in my garden and walked passed the bin. Again I heard this little voice: "Please wash me". Imagine this! I ignored the voice and a day or two later when I walked passed the bin again, I heard the same voice asking me to wash him. I realised that there is only one thing that could be talking to me and that is the teddy bear. I took the teddy bear and threw him in the washing machine. I do not think the teddy bear minded at all being washed in the washing machine as I did not hear another little voice. Teddy bear came out of the washing machine brand spanking new although his one seems a bit "weaker" than the other one. Look closely, the right arm appears to be floppy. . 

Teddy, as he is now known,  has since been living in my bedroom. Yes, I am an adult and should not believe in these things. Who cares? I still maintain to this day that I have heard this voice on two occasions. Since teddy has been living in my room, I have never heard another voice. He must be happy and I refuse to let any child play with Teddy.     

I presume it is time to giver a few interesting facts about South Africa again. 

The largest defeat of British Troops in all the colonial warfare outside of Europe was  in 1879 at Isandlwana, situated in the present day Kwazulu-Natal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isandlwana

South Africa has 11 official languages. All have equal status in front of the law. In the indigenous languages spoken in South Africa, besides Afrikaans, the word "stranger" does not exist. Many South Africans believe in ubuntu. Basically it means; "I am because of you". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_(philosophy).

Appeltizer was created by an South African. Due its to its later popularity, Coca Cola bought a  50% stake in it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appletiser

A South African product, Pratley Putty has been to the moon. It was used to hold together parts of the Apollo X1's landing mission in 1969. http://www.pratley.com/

"It feels like God visits everywhere else but lives in Africa" - Actor Will Smith on his first visit to South Africa.

My recipe for this week is very easy to make and delicious!

Grated cucumber salad

1 cucumber
1 t sugar (5 ml )
30 ml boiled water ( 2 dessert spoons)
2.5 ml (1/2 teaspoon) salt
1.25 ml (1/4 teaspoon) fine black pepper
80 ml ( 1/4 cup) white grape vinegar

Peel cucumber and grate with a coarse grater. Dissolve the sugar in the warm water, add the salt and stir in the vinegar. Mix well. Pour over cucumber. Enjoy with any stew or barbecue!  
 Remember; http://www.bestforreading.com is the place to shop at!


Monday 20 May 2013

No common in Rondebosch Common - a place of beauty and 50 amazing tips!

My shop: http://www.bestforreading.com. I am busy updating my on line shop and have completed the history and fiction sections. If you are looking for the latest bestsellers or children's books, remember to visit 

I am at present reading a very interesting book called "1001 Days that shaped the world" by Peter Furtado as general editor and the preface was done by Michael Wood. The book was published by Quintessence with ISBN-13: 978-84403-739-1, QSS.DSW3. If you are interested in history and what shaped our world, then this is the book for you. It starts with the Big Bang  and with death of Kim Jong 11 of North Korea. Just goes to show how updated the book is.

What makes this book great reading as well is that it is not a heavy historical relay of the 1001 most important days in our history. Each important happening is either described on one page or two happenings are described on one page. This makes it quick reading. the book is illustrated with either documents, drawings or in modern history, photos. This is a gripping book which I thoroughly enjoy reading.    

For the past few days we have had such Indian summers here in Cape Town with beautiful sunny days. On Sunday morning I took a walk on Rondebosch Common and experienced the beauty of the Common and Cape Town in all its glory.

The Rondebosch Common is an open  piece of land of about 40 hectares in a densely built-up area with as both historical and fynbos conservation area. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rondebosch_Common

Have a look at these photos I have taken on Sunday!

It is official! The notice displaying that it is a conservation area in English, Isixhosa and Afrikaans! 

During 2012 there was an attempt to occupy the vacant land. The Common was renamed to the language of the First People.  http://www.sahistory.org.za/people-south-africa/san 

The Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital. The only children's hospital south of the Sahara! This was taken  across the common. http://www.westerncape.gov.za/your_gov/5981

Recreation area for dogs and their two legged friends

Property of the City of Cape town. Displayed in three languages!

Beware of the mole and other snakes. By this I mean do not disturb the snakes.  Mole snakes are  basically harmless and catches vermin. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mole_snakehttp://www.biodiversityexplorer.org/reptiles/squamata/serpentes/colubridae/crotaphopeltis_hotamboeia.htm.

Protected flowers

At one stage this was a golf track 

Interesting facts

Across the field from the Children's Hospital

A National monument! Busy with restoration work! 

New pathways

The size of the field. 40 hectares!

Devil's peak and the magnificent University of Cape Town against  its slopes.

A very famous hospital in the back ground. Here the first heart transplant in the world was executed IN 1967.

In the direction of Wynberg Hill and the southern suburbs.

UCT with the round flats, previously known as Drie Koppen in the fore ground. Aptly named after a gruesome murder.

In spring this is a beauty to behold. 

Beautiful Table Mountain from the back. One of the seven natural wonders of the world!

I hope you have enjoyed reading about this interesting little gem in the middle of the suburbs as much as I do enjoy walking there.

Visit http://www.bestforreading.com for more interesting books, travel packages and whatever you are looking for. I sell thousands of books in my on line bookstore. Have fun visiting http://www.bestforreading.com!  

A few house hold tips!

Most people are watching their dollars and working off a budget to make ends meet. Many are also now looking for natural alternatives to live a more wholesome and chemical free life. Following are a few ways in which you can have both of the above. These uses are becoming more prevalent and are easy to do it yourself. So, here are great easy uses for common household items to make your life more chemical free and your wallet a little fatter.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/gettingskinnywithcourtney/ FOR MORE AWESOME TIPS!

1) Toothpaste: Buff a CD/DVD
Apply toothpaste to a cotton ball and wipe the disc. Wash with water afterwards and you’ve got a brand new disc!

2) Cornstarch: Untangle Knots
Sprinkling cornstarch into tough knots, such as shoe laces helps loosen them.

3) Walnut: Buff Dings out of Wood Furniture
Get rid of unsightly scratches and dings on wood furniture by rubbing a walnut on the areas. The blemishes will vanish quickly and your furniture and pocket book will be saved.

4) Club Soda: Make Your Breads Fluffier
When baking, where recipes call for water, add club soda instead to make pancakes, waffles and any other breads fluffier.

5) Salt: Keep Windows Frost Free
Pour a cup of salt into a liter of water. Sponge the liquid onto the inside of window to prevent frost from forming during the winter months.

6) Rubbing Alcohol: Remove Permanent Marker
Dab the surface that has the permanent marker on it with a cloth or cotton ball covered in rubbing alcohol to make it disappear quickly.

7) Chap stick: Stops Bleeding When Nicked Shaving
Cut yourself shaving? Just swipe some chap stick over the cut to stop that constant bleeding. No more tissue squares!

8) Apple Juice: Removes Dandruff
Don’t ask how it works, but it does! Instead of buying a special shampoo, just wash your hair in apple juice to rid your scalp of pesky dandruff.

9) Aspirin: Get Rid of Armpit Stains on T-Shirts
Grind up an aspirin tablet or two, then make a paste out of it using water, lemon or vinegar. Spread the paste on the stained area and let sit for an hour before washing.

10) Olive Oil: Make Pets’ Coat Shinier
Add a bit of olive oil to your pet’s food to give them a healthier, shinier coat of fur.

11) Newspapers: Clean Windows and Mirrors
Instead of using a spray and a streaky cloth, use only newspaper to clean off your mirrors and windows for a streak-free finish.

12) Baking Soda: Remove Bugs from Windshield
Mix baking soda with warm water to make a paste. Spread the paste over your windshield for fifteen minutes. Then wipe or spray off with a hose.

13) Bleach: Extend Life of Flowers in Vase
Add a few drops of bleach to vase water to prevent the build-up of the slime caused by bacteria. It works just like chlorine in a swimming pool.

14) Kitchen Dish Soap: Flea-Killing Dog Shampoo
Kitchen dish soap (not dish detergent) can double as dog shampoo for its flea killing abilities.

15) Coke: Remove Blood Stains from Clothing
Soak the stain in coke until the stain is dissolved, then wash the clothing as usual. Wash before the coke dries, though.

16) Honey: Remove Blemish Overnight
Have a blemish you need to get rid of by tomorrow? Put a dab of honey on the blemish and cover it up (it’s best to use a Band-Aid) and the honey’s natural antibacterial properties will clean out the bacteria by the morning.

17) Wax Paper: Clean Can Opener Gears
Run a few small strips of wax paper through the can opener to clean out of the bits and pieces that have built up in the gears throughout the year. The wax will also rub off on the gears to protect for future use as well.

18) WD-40: Remove Crayons from Walls
Use the lubricant and a cloth to remove stubborn crayon marks from the walls just by spraying the wall and wiping with a cloth.

19) Chalk: Keep Ants and Slugs Out of the House
Ants and Slugs Won’t Touch Chalk. So, simply draw a line in front of your doorway where you are having problems with these pesky critters and they won’t cross it, meaning they won’t be able to get into your house.

20) Vinegar: Kills Weeds and Helps Flowers Grow
Vinegar is a magic wonder when it comes to gardening. It not only kills weeds but they help flowers grow as well. Douse vinegar all around your garden to prevent weeds from popping up and to help your flowers to grow healthy and strong.

21) Mayonnaise: Remove Bumper Sticker
Spread mayonnaise on the bumper sticker and let sit for at least thirty minutes. Then, rub the sticker off with a towel, leaving a clean bumper!

22) Tin Foil Ball: Replace Dryer Sheets Permanently
Instead of using a dryer sheet ball up one or a few sheets of tin foil and toss it in the dryer. It removes the static electricity from your clothes and one can last up to a year.

23) Banana Peel: Polish Leather Shoes
Use the inside of a banana peel to give shoes a professional and natural shine that will last for quite some time.

24) Mouthwash: Cure Athlete’s Foot
Pour mouthwash on cotton balls and then swab your feet. The alcohol will disinfect the bacteria completely if you continue this for a week or so.

25) Baking Soda: Clean BBQ Grill
Mix a cup of baking soda with half a cup water to make a paste. Dip your brush into the paste and scrub the grill. The caked on pieces and black residue will come off much quicker and using baking soda is much safer and cheaper than using cleaning chemicals.

26) Coffee Grounds: Fertilizer
Coffee is full of nutrients and vitamins that are very beneficial to soil. That’s why some people include it in compost piles. If you want to get the most out of your coffee, pour the grounds on areas where you want more grass or flowers.

27) Olive Oil: Shaving Cream
The smoothness of the oil can replace the need for shaving cream, and it also provides great moisture.

28) Dryer Sheets: Gets Rid of Static Electricity
Use dryer sheets to remove static electricity from things such as clothing, TV screens or your own hair. Tame fly away strands by running a dryer sheet over them.

29) Freezer: Freeze Candles to Make Them Last Longer
Put candles in the freezer for at least 2 hours before using. Once you burn them, the wax will melt at a much slower pace, making them last much longer!

30) Two glasses of water: Cure Headache
Water is the cure to most common headaches. To make the headache go away quickly, drink two cups of water very quickly.

31) Lemons: Deodorize Garbage Disposal
Toss whole slices of lemon into the garbage disposal then run it. The acidity of the lemon will rid your sink of all odors and leave a fresh scent that usually lasts for a few months.

32) Alka Seltzer: Remove Burnt-On Grease and Food Stains
When letting your pots and pans soak, throw in one or two Alka Seltzer tablets and the caked on residue from cooking will come off easily when you scrub/wash.

33) Apple Cider Vinegar: Relieve Diarrhea
Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into eight ounces of water to soothe your stomach. The taste may not be the greatest, but the antibacterial properties of the vinegar will end the unpleasantness of the bowel problems.

34) Toothpaste: Remove Scratches from Glass
Apply toothpaste to scratch, then rub with a cloth until the scratch is gone. Make sure the glass is clean beforehand.

35) Cheerios: Relieve Pain from Poison Ivy, Chickenpox and Sunburns
Pound one to four cups of Cheerios into a powder and add to your bath to soothe your skin while you soak. You may not feel relief while in the tub, but you will soon after.

36) Buttons: Sort Earrings
Organize your earrings and prevent them from becoming entangled by using spare buttons as holders for each pair.

37) Corn Oil: Prevent Hairballs for Pets
Add a few drops of corn oil to your pets’ food to prevent hairballs from forming. The thick oil helps the fur pass through the animal’s system much quicker and easily.

38) Whipped Cream: Remove Gum from Hair
There are many remedies for removing gum from hair, but this is a lesser known one. Give it a try rather than peanut butter the next time you’re in need.

39) Coke: Remove Oil Stains from the Driveway
Oil stains are very difficult to remove pavement, but one method guaranteed to work is Coke. The highly acidic drink will eat away at the oil until clean.

40) Brown Sugar: Facial Scrub
A scrub is good to do about once a month to remove dead skin and bacteria built up in pores and remove excess oil from the skin. Brown sugar does just as well as expensive products and will definitely result in a clearer and smoother complexion.

41) Dryer Sheet: Lint Brush
You already know that dryer sheets remove lint in the dryer. Well, it can do the same thing out of the dryer, too. When you’re in a fix, use a dryer sheet. It works just as well as a lint brush, and if you like the scent, it’s an added bonus.

42) Newspaper: Deodorize food containers and Food Drawers in the Refrigerator
For that stinky Tupperware or smelly refrigerator drawer that is too much to deal with, toss in a sheet of newspaper overnight before you deal with it. The paper will absorb the smell greatly reducing it or eliminating it completely.

43) Olive Oil: Unstick a Zipper
The oil will help the zipper slide more easily, fixing the problem!

44) Salt: Cool Something Quickly
You know that feeling when you’re having a BBQ and someone asks for a drink and you realize that no one has put them in the cooler? There’s nothing worse than a warm drink on a hot day. Chill a drink quickly, by adding salt and water to your ice. The drinks will be cold in a matter of minutes; saving your party and making you look smart all at once.

45) Scotch Tape: Prevent Wall from Chipping When Nailing
The wall can leave unsightly chips when hammering in a nail. Prevent this by simply placing a piece of scotch tape over the area you’re going to nail. The wall will be held tighter, preventing chips from occurring.

46) Alka Seltzer: Soothe Insect Bites
Dissolve two tablets into a glass of water. Then use a cloth or cotton ball to apply it to the affected area. The red will go down and most importantly, the itchiness will vanish usually in fifteen minutes.

47) Lemon: Whitens Whites
Add about half a cup of lemon juice to your load of whites to makes them extra white. You can use lemon juice with bleach or detergent, so don’t worry about mixing chemicals with the acidic lemon.

48) Banana Peel: Whiten Teeth
This may sound a little odd, but rub the inside of a banana peel on your teeth twice a day for two weeks and you will receive the same effect from a teeth-whitening kit. Plus, you’ll save yourself money and the hassle of using chemicals.

49) Hair Dryer: Free Photos Stuck on Pages
If you have a photo stuck on a page that you can’t get free, try using a blow dryer on the back of the page. It will loosen the photo from the page and the adhesive holding it there.

50) Banana Peel: Heal Most Skin Problems
Bananas are the magical fruit, because they heal many common problems on the skin. By rubbing the peel on your skin, you can heal bruises and cuts and eliminate rashes, itching and warts. Basically if you have a common skin problem, it can be cured by this fruit.

I hope you can put some or all of these to good use to save money and make your home a safer environment. There are tons more DIY uses for common household items like these. make sure to share the info with your friends! ♥>>>



Monday 13 May 2013

Mother's Day and the traditional food we ate!

In  the daily life of http://www.bestforreading.com not much has happened since I posted my blog about my crazy parakeet last week. I trust my readers do take a peek at my online bookstore at http://www.bestforreading.com.  

The only significant happening here in Cape Town and in many countries across the world is Mother's Day of course. Have any one given a second thought where Mother's Day originated? I doubt that as it is just a day we celebrate each second Sunday in the month of May. http://www.mothersdaycentral.com/about-mothersday/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother%27s_Day. Although it is a fairly modern institution that started in the USA in the 20th century to honour our mothers, the idea stretches back for centuries. 

Now, what did we have on table to spoil the mothers in our family. Lets see. There was the traditional chicken pie. A delicious recipe that I will post at a later stage. This chicken pie must have a slightly sour taste. Then there was a leg of lamb and steak pie. Besides greens on the side, were rice and roast potatoes  dished up as well. Meat, rice and potatoes goes hand in hand in many Afrikaner homes. I have nearly forgotten about gem squash and the pumpkin fritters made the Afrikaner way. Watch this for a mouth-watering recipe how to make pumpkin fritters. Each family had to bring something to celebrate not only the mother's day but also to celebrate the fact that the matriarch of the family is still with us at the good age of 88 years.

I brought meatballs - frikkadelle as it is known in Afrikaans. Most nations have one or other version of this dish and each one would like to think theirs are the best tasting. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frikadeller

This what my dish looked liked.

My version. I added tomato paste and braised onions.
What the meatballs look like without the onions and tomato paste! Not mine!

The recipe comes from a traditional Afrikaans cook book. Unfortunately I cannot give you the name of the book or who wrote it. the book is very old.  

Frikkadelle or Meatballs

500 g mince meat - mutton or beef. Minced pork or ham may be added for flavour.
5 ml ground coriander
1 ml ground gloves
pinch of ground nutmeg
salt and pepper to taste
1 onion
1 thick slice of bread
125 ml water
10 ml sugar
1 beaten egg
12.5 ml chutney
10 ml Worcestershire sauce, vinegar or lemon-juice
flour -optional

Season meat with coriander, cloves, nutmeg, salt and pepper
Grate onion finely
Soak bread in water and with the water to mince mixture
add beaten egg. chutney. Worcestershire sauce, vinegar or lemon-juice
mix well and shape into round balls and roll each one in little flour if desired
put in well-greased oven-proof dish and add 50 ml boiling water with a dab of butter in between
bake in moderate oven at 180-190 degrees Celsius until done
Baste from time to time with liquid formed in pan

For a dessert afterwards I made another very traditional Afrikaans pudding known as a
Jan Ellis Pudding.

He was a Springbok rugby player in the  60's and 70's. This type of pudding is very similar to the Malva Pudding. The only difference is the adding of brandy to the Malva Pudding.

 This recipe comes from Dina van Zyl's "Die groot Boerekosboek"

250 ml cake flour
15 ml (1 table spoon) Bicarbonate of Soda
1.25 ml (1/4 t spoon) salt
1 egg
250 ml sugar (1 cup)
 15 ml (1 table spoon) fine apricot jam
250 ml (1 cup) milk
15 ml melted butter
15 ml grape vinegar

125 ml (8 table spoons) butter
125 ml (1/2 cup) sugar
125 ml (1/2 cup) warm water
125 ml cream (1/2 cup)

Warm up oven to 180 deg Celsius

Grease oven-proof dish by approximately 30 x 20 x 5 cm
Cut a piece of tin foil the slightly bigger and grease as well

The Pudding itself!

Sieve the flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt and keep separate
Beat egg and sugar with mixer until creamy and add apricot
Beat milk, melted butter and vinegar with above until beaten well.
Add flour gradually and beat well.
Add mixture in dish and cover with tin foil with greased side under.
Bake for about 45 minutes.
Take foil off and bake open for 10 - 15 minutes.

While this is going on, add melted butter, sugar and water together and heat up slowly. Let it boil and see that sugar has melted completely. Add cream.
When the pudding is caramel brown, pour sauce over. Every thing. It is a wet pudding. Serve with custard.


Besides having a great week ahead , remember for more recipes please visit http://www.bestforreading.com 



Tuesday 7 May 2013

A little bird called Lollipop who thinks he is a parrot

You would have noticed that today I am starting my blog in a totally new approach. Obviously there is a reason for this. At the end of 2011, I was in two minds whether I should get another dog or another type of pet. I was looking at different types of pets on the Internet and eventually sourced pets on a local website. There in between all the bewildering types of fish, rats and snakes I saw a picture of a conure http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conure.

Years ago I handled a conure and then already that type of bird stuck in my mind. This specific one for sale was a black capped conure http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black-capped_Parakeet. Below is a photo om my black capped conure.

Lollipop - about 3 months old

This is a very busy little bird who at times rule this house. Often I would get home and Lollipop are no where to be seen. He then decided is time for a nap and then Lollipop will climb down and go to an old-fashioned sewing machine where he would climb up and go and "rest" in a dark spot away from the buzz in the house. Anything for peace and quiet! In the beginning I was worried especially when I could not find find him. I searched every where and then I remembered that conures like dark places and I lifted the flap up and there Lollipop was, fast asleep.

He demands attention and will screech to get his way at times. One day I was talking to my neighbours in front of my house. I left my garage door open. My garage door is at the side of my house. When I turned around, who would I see come walking down the road? Lollipop. He came looking for me. That is loyalty. He would do the same when I am busy in the kitchen or in my bedroom. If I turn around, he is there.

Lollipop decided at a very early stage that he does not want to sleep in his cage. I was late placing the cover over his cage and Lollipop made a plan. Watch this video:

Since then he has been sleeping under his blanket. When it is cold, he is a late sleeper and only wakes up at about 10 am!

He demands to eat a morsel or two from my plate, eat chilies and just becomes silly at night. Maybe he is happy because I am close to him. If he is not climbing under my shirt, he would get into his bed and lie upside down to do tricks.

Who is watching me?

I demand food from your plate. It looks better than mine!

More tricks!

I love to bath every day. I am a very clean bird! 

I love chilies, the hotter the better. look at my angle!

I love doing tricks. anything for attention 

For more books and pets and what they need, please visit http://www.bestforreading.com